SI Design System


This is Kumbh Sans. Our brand typeface.

Kumbh Sans is the primary brand typeface for Security Infusion. Elegant and warm, this headline face projects trustworthiness, optimism, and sincerity.

Source Sans Pro is our supporting font.

Source Sans Pro was carefully chosen to support Kumbh Sans in headers for addition imformation. Usually used in h5 / h6 tags and uppercase letters.

Type Scale

Heading One

44px / 48px
Kumbh Sans

Heading Two

36px / 45px
Kumbh Sans

Heading Three

28px / 35px
Kumbh Sans

Heading Four

20px / 25px
Kumbh Sans
14px / 16px
Source Sans
9px / 13px
Source Sans


16px / 20px
Kumbh Sans

Do's & Dont's

Line heights and spacing

Choosing the appropriate line spacing and letter spacing is very important to the reading quality and and efficiency of the typography. It should never be to open or too tight which makes reading difficult and unpleasant for the reader. While there is no perfect line height, a good rule of thumb is to set it at approximately 150% of the font size.

Choose the appropriate height and spacing depending on the font family and the font size

Incresing the the letter spacing on paragraphs will make them harder to read

When the line height is too tight, it undermines the horizontal reading flow and increases doubling

When the line height is too loose, lines of text visually float away from each other

Text alignement

Aligning text left is easier for the eye to follow, aids readability and organization. Promotion materials and illustrations are not excluded from this rule, unless specifically requested.

Always use left text alignement

Do not use right text alignement

Do not use center text alignement

Do not justify text